Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Hiya! Hope you're all having lots of fun like me :-) This week has been fairly quiet... I've just finished my 'weekend' and am ready to start work again tomorrow with the added bonus this week of having my first private lesson - ahhhhh watch out! Today I've been out and about on the bike, finding new spots in the city to explore - Osaka is such a huge place!!

Did you have a good Easter?? - the Japanese don't celebrate it, but Kate and I still managed to scoff a few eggs (thanks mum!) after having a mini easter-egg hunt around the flat.

Thought you might like to see what my tatami room looks like - what no bed I hear you cry?? Actaully, my futon is super comfy and makes for an all-round massive cushion when we're watching movies with friends..... and the sliding door opens into Kate's room so we can have night time chats :-)

The view from Osaka Castle and Garden earlier today... looking out towards the city


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