Friday, October 20, 2006

The end of an era!!

Soooooooooo it's been ages since I've had the chance to sit still long enough to update this, so here goes! September was filled with many highs and lows... Kate left for greener shores in Kyushu and so many a Sayonara party was had... sniff sniff! Work seemed to be pretty hectic, since I was trying to cram in as many shift swaps as possible before my vacation/holiday back home - yeay!!

If it's one thing that you learn in Japan, it's that the pace of life is fast... if you blink you could miss the moment and what feels like forever, is in fact only 7 months!! Sooooooooo much has changed since Kate, Kenny and I stepped on board the plane in February and met Wes and Graeme in Osaka.... but that happens, doesn't it - people and places change... I am safe in the knowledge though, that whilst being a challenge, I've had a blast with these guys since being in Japan - and the exciting part now is keeping in touch... Fukuoka here I come!!

Our last night together - in true Japanese/sushi style... delicious - Oyshi deshita!!


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