Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Sooo what have we been doing recently?

Well.... I've been a busy bee this week cramming in some over time at work whilst also having my private lessons - man oh man am I tired now! Today however, we all set off on a little day trip but it wasn't until we'd got on the train that I realised I'd left my camera at home; so you'll just have to take my word for it when I tell you that today.... we climed a mountain, and, not just any mountain.... but part of the mountain range that surrounds Osaka (not sure of the name)!! Seriously you should be impressed because it was no easy feat let me tell you, no amount of choccie cookies or promises of a beer later, could make the journey less appealing, but the view from the top was spectacular..... for literally miles and miles - all you can see is the sprawling city of Osaka and the surrounding areas!


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