Friday, October 20, 2006

My 25th Birthday in London

I flew home to see my mum, dad and sister for 12 days at the end of September/beg. of October - which after 7 months in Japan was quite a reverse-culture shock!!

Aside from eating literally everything in sight, Roast dinners - cake - yoghurt - cheese - marmalade - cooked breakfasts - daddy's scrambled eggs and mum's home cooking.... I spent time catching up with friends in London on my birthday.

Dinner with Giselle in a restaurant in Soho;

My sightseeing day-trip in London... or should that be, shopping trip!!

Greasy spoon-I'm an Eastenders extra stylee breakfast cafe near Giselle's house...

Yuri and I in the bar, she's my student from Osaka on vacation in England;

natter natter natter


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