Thursday, October 26, 2006


One of the many waterways/canals in Kyoto *Japan

The Ryoan-ji temple... the "Thinkers"/stone garden was built as a resting, relaxing retreat for the guests staying at the temple... odly, you d end up wondering if they nicked the "chuckies" from the beach (like mum and dad) ;-)

a typical Japanese garden, the huge pond reflects all the sunlight and imagery in the area - simply beautiful!!

Kyoto cont.

The Golden Pavilion or Kinkaku is a popular name for one of the main buildings of this temple, which is properly called Rokuon-ji Temple. Both the 2nd and 3rd floors are covered with gold-leaf on Japanese lacquer, making this a striking and expensive building!! The temple/building was built with a mirror pool surrounding it, to make the most of the reflections and seasonal colours. I kid you not, I have never seen so many tourists in one place - at one time, all crammed in taking photos... this may look like a tranquil spot... it was full of crazy Japanese school kids on trips!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

Hide and I at hushimi inari... I had yakked on about going here for as long as I can remember - so it was great to finally come ;-)

My day trip to Kyoto

Hide and I set off for Kyoto on Tuesday - stopping first at Hushimi-Inari temple and shrine, which is probably one of the most famous sites in the whole of Japan. Firstly the temple - or Jinja itself is huge and very beautiful... although not too disimilar to others you would see around Kyoto. What made this area a must-see attraction were the famous red/orange gates leading from the temple entrance right up to the top of the mountain!!

As you climb up, along and through these gates; you literally wonder how on earth they got there and their significance to Japanese people.

This is a map of the area, showing you just how many gates there are!


Friday, October 20, 2006

Chilling at home

Playing or should that be practising golf with dad... four!!My mum and sister Lindsay xxx

My 25th Birthday in London

I flew home to see my mum, dad and sister for 12 days at the end of September/beg. of October - which after 7 months in Japan was quite a reverse-culture shock!!

Aside from eating literally everything in sight, Roast dinners - cake - yoghurt - cheese - marmalade - cooked breakfasts - daddy's scrambled eggs and mum's home cooking.... I spent time catching up with friends in London on my birthday.

Dinner with Giselle in a restaurant in Soho;

My sightseeing day-trip in London... or should that be, shopping trip!!

Greasy spoon-I'm an Eastenders extra stylee breakfast cafe near Giselle's house...

Yuri and I in the bar, she's my student from Osaka on vacation in England;

natter natter natter

Sayonara Sayonara Sayonara!!!

John Beard and Kate singing...

Giallos bar owners - Yuki, Ayumi with Adam and Kanchan... (and the ear)

One shot too many for me I think...

hmmmmmmmmm what can you say, Pop Idol anyone?!!

The end of an era!!

Soooooooooo it's been ages since I've had the chance to sit still long enough to update this, so here goes! September was filled with many highs and lows... Kate left for greener shores in Kyushu and so many a Sayonara party was had... sniff sniff! Work seemed to be pretty hectic, since I was trying to cram in as many shift swaps as possible before my vacation/holiday back home - yeay!!

If it's one thing that you learn in Japan, it's that the pace of life is fast... if you blink you could miss the moment and what feels like forever, is in fact only 7 months!! Sooooooooo much has changed since Kate, Kenny and I stepped on board the plane in February and met Wes and Graeme in Osaka.... but that happens, doesn't it - people and places change... I am safe in the knowledge though, that whilst being a challenge, I've had a blast with these guys since being in Japan - and the exciting part now is keeping in touch... Fukuoka here I come!!

Our last night together - in true Japanese/sushi style... delicious - Oyshi deshita!!